S.O.S. Countdown

SOS. COUNTDOWN is an Escape game based activity.
Eisenberg is a scientist who was kidnapped and forced to build a bomb with catastrophic powers.
After an intensive search, our team discovered the room where he had been held captive, but there was no one else there. Just a device locked in an acrylic box and a letter informing that hidden clues had been scattered around.
Now it’s up to your team to find these clues and decipher all the riddles. They are the key to unlock the box and access the device that will defuse the bomb and save everyone!


4 horas

Collaboration | Assertive Communication | Creativity and Innovation | Result Focus | Conflict Management | Time Management | Integration | Logical Reasoning | Resilience | Teamwork | Unit Vision
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Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP
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