City Light Paris

Após receber um chamado de um grande hotel em Paris, a sua equipe descobre que por trás de simples fotos, jornais e mapas, se esconde um audacioso plano para apagar um pedaço da história!

This program was developed thinking about working aspects of the V.U.C.A. and the current need to move between the physical and digital worlds.

Meet CITY LIGHT PARIS, an amazing game where participants play against time, working on the skills of the modern professional, so that he stands out in the market for years to come.


2h - 4h



Collaboration | Assertive Communication | Trust | Creativity and Innovation | Result Focus | Conflict Management | Time Management | Integration | Leadership | Motivation | Trading | Strategic Thinking | Planning | Logical Reasoning | Resilience | Decision Making | Teamwork | Unit Vision | Systemic View

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NorthBrasil | Treinamento e Desenvolvimento

Rua Vitorino Antunes, 22
Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP
Phone: +55 19 3289-5281
WhatsApp: +55 19 99665-2061

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